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Want to know what is truly stopping you from taking your pet's GUT HEALTH to the next level?

Digestive Issues Take the Joy Out of Pet Ownership. As a Pet Parent, You Will Gain Control Today with A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, HANDS-ON, 2-STEP, Proven Plan. NO Supplements Required. Reclaim Your Pet's Intestinal Health So That You Can Return To A Stress-Free State of Mind All While Saving on Vet Bills and Misery. 


If you are a pet owner, this is your chance to FINALLY say goodbye to frustration and helplessness seeing your beloved pet struggle with digestive issues. Now you can see relief by creating a balanced and soothed gut with just your hands! 

I completely understand how the gratification of pet ownership can quickly turn into worry when common problems like diarrhea, allergies, nausea, constipation, or gassiness plague your furry friend. I'm here to help! 

What if there was a way to actually relieve your dog or cat's constipation quickly-like within hours, or stop the floor clean-up madness and bring back the fun carefree playtimes and moments you cherish?

Every pet owner knows those moments of pure delight, laughter, and love shared with their furry companions. Yet, for many pet owners, these instances are overshadowed by a common challenge: digestive issues. I am here to restore your confidence and give them consistent gut health. 

Meet Kristina Dodge

Hello, I'm Kristina Dodge, an NBCAAM Board Certified Pet Massage Therapist in practice for over 12 years.  I'm excited to welcome you to life-changing results for your pet's belly... no more witnessing them straining to potty, drooling from an upset tummy or itching like crazy from gut inflammation. This class will forever enhance their GI function and deepen your connection with them while boosting their immune system. The course, 'Abdominal Massage Mastery for Cats & Dogs,' is designed for pet owners like you who want to provide natural digestive health solutions and embrace holistic pet wellness differently than you ever have before.

Abdominal Massage Mastery for Cats & Dogs:

Abdominal Massage Mastery for Cats & Dogs:

This is more than just a course; it's a reframed approach crafted for pet owners who want to consider their pet's well-being from a brand new angle altogether. It's a strategic, online training that works regardless of experience level. No theory, fluff or hours of confusing videos so you can finally follow a clear path for getting results! 

This masterclass will help you...

  • Provide Natural Digestive Health Solutions to Your Pets: Say goodbye to those digestive issues that cause illness and worry. Learn proven ways of how just using your hands will gently correct your pet's digestive system.
  • Achieve the Results You Truly Want: You've bought all the powders and pills, right? Well, this is the missing link that actually moves things along, changes the tissue and makes the difference. 
  • Take Inspired Action: You get to nurture and strengthen your pet's entire well-being since their gut and brain is connected. Apply these swift, discreet techniques ANY PLACE,  ANY TIME.

What You'll Learn in Abdominal Massage Mastery:

Module 1: Understanding Your Pet's Digestive System In this module, you'll gain insights into common digestive problems in cats and dogs. Understand the profound link between abdominal health and your pet's overall well-being.

Module 2: Preparing for Abdominal Massage Before you begin, it's imperative to be fully prepared. We provide a comprehensive checklist to ensure you're ready to give your pet the best care.

Module 3: The Magic of Hands-On Techniques This module is where the transformation happens. Learn to read your pet's silent cues and provide the comfort they need. Discover the frequency of massage for the best results.

Module 4: Crucial Considerations The journey doesn't end with massage. Diet matters, of course!  We'll guide you through the choices you make for your pet. We also offer the highest rated product and practitioner recommendations for holistic pet wellness.

Say goodbye to your pet's digestive discomfort, frequent vet visits, and the distress that comes with it.

 Say hello to a happier, healthier pet and the joy of being the best pet parent you can be.

For a limited time, you can secure your pet's transformation with our...



Abdominal Massage Mastery for Cats & Dogs self-paced course for a

One-time payment of just $27.00


What My Clients Say

Abdominal Massage Mastery for Cats and Dogs IS FOR YOU IF...
  • You want something you've never tried before
  • You've already implemented pills, powders or drops to soothe your pet's unhappy digestive situation.
  • You want rapid, effective results, that have multiple benefits, without mess. 
This is NOT for you if...
  • You're interested in spending lots of your money and time.  
  • You are not dedicated to 6 minutes a week applying the techniques. 
  • You're not open to seeing fast improvements that fit right into your lifestyle.